
The Fallacy of 'It Works on My Machine' - Why Code Fails in Production and How to Prevent It

- 6 min read

Developer troubleshooting code failure, illustrating the challenge of code working in a development environment but failing in production.

Why Do Code Tests Pass in Development but Fail in Production?

It’s a scenario I’ve faced many times—code passes all tests perfectly in a development environment, only to fail when deployed to production. The discrepancy between these environments can be frustrating and puzzling. As a software developer, I’ve learned that subtle differences between the two environments can cause major issues. Here, I’ll share my experience and insights on why this happens and how to prevent it.

The Unexpected Reality of Code Failures in Production

Imagine feeling confident that your code is flawless after it passed every test in the development environment. Then you push it to production, and suddenly it’s crashing, users are experiencing errors, and your system is in chaos. This situation occurs more frequently than you might think, and the reasons behind it are often rooted in differences between the environments.

In my experience, even small, subtle variations between the development and production environments can have a massive impact on how the code runs. It doesn’t matter how thoroughly the tests are conducted in development—if there are differences in the setup, problems can emerge. I’ve encountered these challenges first-hand and have realized that the tiniest configuration change can lead to major consequences in production.

Why These Failures Occur

There are several reasons why code passes in development but fails in production. Here are the key factors based on my own observations:

1. Environment Differences

The environments used for development and production are rarely identical. Often, development takes place in a virtual machine (VM) or local environment, while production runs on physical servers or cloud infrastructure. I’ve worked on projects where the production server ran on bare metal while the development environment was virtualized. The result? Issues in production that simply never appeared in development due to hardware differences.

Production environments often have stricter error reporting configurations. During development, PHP’s error reporting is typically set to display all warnings and notices, but in production, these might be hidden. I’ve encountered cases where uninitialized variables didn’t raise errors in development but caused hidden logic bugs in production because of suppressed warnings. This can lead to failures that are hard to debug if you aren’t monitoring error logs closely.

2. Concurrency and Resource Limits

Development environments typically simulate single user interaction. In contrast, production involves many users accessing the system at the same time, which can lead to concurrency issues, resource exhaustion, or race conditions. I’ve experienced this firsthand—PHP code that worked flawlessly with a few users in testing would crash in production when the MySQL database reached its maximum number of concurrent connections. In one case, we didn’t anticipate that certain queries would lock rows in a high-traffic section of the site, causing deadlocks under production load.

3. Data Discrepancies

The data used in development often differs significantly from that in production. Development databases are typically smaller and cleaner, whereas production databases are larger and more complex. This difference can reveal edge cases and performance issues that weren’t apparent in development. I’ve seen this play out when MySQL queries ran smoothly in development but caused timeouts in production due to the sheer volume of data and complex joins.

While optimizing a site, a query that worked quickly on a local MySQL database containing a few hundred records began timing out in production when the database grew to over a million rows. We resolved this by adding indexes to the tables and optimizing the query structure, but the issue wasn’t detectable in the small development environment. I’ve since had to start seeding my local environments with larger amounts of data to help ensure that I test these scenarios for growth.

4. Performance and Quotas

Production environments usually have more stringent resource limitations than development. While code may run perfectly in a local development setup with ample resources, it might struggle when subjected to memory, CPU, or bandwidth limits in production. I’ve worked on PHP applications where memory limits in production caused crashes, even though the code ran fine locally due to unlimited memory settings in the development environment.

In a high-traffic site, we hit a memory ceiling in production when generating large reports. While development servers handled the generation easily (see #3 Data Discrepancies), the production server’s memory limit triggered fatal errors. Increasing the memory limit wasn’t the right solution, so we optimized the code by generating reports in smaller batches and offloading long-running processes to background jobs.

Preventing These Failures

As a developer, I strive to avoid these failures in production, and over time, I’ve adopted several key practices:

1. Recreate the Production Environment

One of the most effective ways to avoid these discrepancies is to ensure the development or staging environment mirrors production as closely as possible. This includes using the same software versions, library dependencies, and even matching hardware setups when feasible.

2. Defensive Programming

I’ve learned to write code that anticipates potential failures, even if tests suggest everything is working correctly. Defensive programming involves planning for worst-case scenarios—handling edge cases, database failures, or unexpected errors. While this may make the code more verbose, it ensures that when something goes wrong in production, the code is better equipped to handle it.

3. Comprehensive Testing

Beyond basic unit testing, it’s crucial to perform stress testing, concurrency testing, and use real-world production data in test cases. This helps reveal potential issues that are only exposed under high load or when dealing with large datasets. I’ve seen the value of testing in environments that simulate real production traffic to catch bugs that otherwise wouldn’t appear in development.

4. Feature Flags and Gradual Rollouts

In some cases, gradually enabling features using feature flags in production can help identify issues early without affecting all users. This practice allows for controlled rollouts and testing with real user interactions, reducing the risk of a full-scale failure.

Action: Implementing a More Robust Development-to-Production Pipeline

If you want to safeguard against code failures in production, here’s what I recommend:

1. Set Up a Staging Environment

Use a staging environment that closely resembles production before deploying updates. This can help identify issues before they reach live users.

2. Enhance Monitoring and Logging

In production, detailed logging and monitoring systems can provide critical insights into failures, making it easier to diagnose and fix issues in real time. Sentry.io is a fantastic tool for this!

3. Automate Testing Across Environments

Implement continuous integration (CI) pipelines that automate tests in both development and staging environments. This ensures discrepancies are caught early and reduces the likelihood of surprises in production.

Here is a Gist we use for running PHPUnit tests on our Pull Request (Code Reviews)

By adopting these best practices, developers can reduce the chances of code failures in production and ensure a smoother transition from development to live deployment. The key is to be proactive, thorough, and prepared for any environment-specific challenges that may arise.

In summary, navigating the complexities of moving code from development to production requires a deep understanding. These challenges are common but can be overcome with the right strategies. If you’re facing similar issues in your projects, or want to avoid these pitfalls, I can provide tailored advice and training based on real-world experience. Reach out to me, and I’d be happy to help you build more resilient and production-ready applications.

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